BUY NOW - Round 2 of the 2017 American Hanoverian Society Stallion Service Auction - 7% Buyers Premium

Bidding Opens: February 22, 2017 - Bidding Closes: March 02, 2017

Hip 3: Royal Prince

1999 Bay Stallion (Rohdiamant x Prince Thatch xx / Wenzel I) Donated by Natalie DiBerardinis Hilltop Farm, Inc.

5-time USEF Dressage Breeding Sire of the Year.

  • 1999
  • Bay
  • Stallion
  • 16.1 hh
  • Papers: No

Royal Prince was Reserve Champion at both his 30- and 70-Day Performance Tests, earning 10's for rideability and walk, and 9's for trot, canter, and willingness to work.  He twice represented the US at the FEI World Championships for Young Horses, including a 4th place finish in 2004. Royal Prince continued to show successfully through Prix St. Georges and the purity of his gaits remained a highlight throughout his development.

His sire, Rohdiamant, was a highly successful Grand Prix dressage competitor who was short-listed for the U.S. Olympic Team with Lisa Wilcox. Grandsire Rubinstein I also competed at the Grand Prix Level and has had a significant influence on sport horse breeding around the world. Royal Prince's dam, Piri Piri, is by the influential Thoroughbred stallion Prince Thatch xx.

Royal Prince's offspring show their sire's elegance, refinement, rideability, and movement. He has a number of Elite/Premium daughters and two licensed sons to his credit. From 2008 through 2012, Royal Prince was named the USEF Dressage Breeding Sire of the Year. His offspring have been Champion or Reserve at USDF Regional & National Championships, as well as winning the USEA Young Event Horse Championships, and competing successfully in the Hunter ring.  Royal Prince descendants are winning with professionals, juniors, and amateurs alike.

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Location of Horse: Colora, Maryland
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