November Auction for Sport Horses & Ponies

Bidding Opens: October 26, 2017 - Bidding Closes: November 02, 2017

Hip 29: Vincent

2008 Pinto Gelding - 15 hh - Consigned by Jordan Koepke, Sligo Stables - Virginia

*NEW VIDEOS* CDCTA Dressage Series Year End Champion with high scores to 74% at intro level in 2015. Free jumped over 3 oxers, trail ridden.

  • 2008
  • Pinto
  • Gelding
  • 15 hh
  • Papers: No

Vincent was Year End Champion for the CDCTA dressage series with high scores to 74% at intro level in 2015. 

He is kind, agreeable and very trainable.  He is fun to ride and is lovely and soft in the bridle.  In addition to showing in dressage he has also done some trails. He has trail ridden at the Manassas Battlefields (this was when he was just 60 days under saddle!) He has gone out both alone and with a buddy and is pretty brave and loves to explore. He will often ask to turn away from the barn to go further.

He loves to jump but hasn't done too much as I am just a dressage rider, but he will happily jump all I ask of him in good form. I have free jumped him over 3' oxers and he thinks that is great fun!  He would likely love to event.  Under saddle I have only jumped up to 2' as I don't  jump much.  He is super willing and when a jump is in the ring sometimes he will ask to head towards it, never around. He enjoys it.

He was started as a 4 year old ( no fault of his own) and has been very low mileage since then.  I was busy with a small business and young children. He was ridden sporadically and then I put in some focus in the summer of 2015 when he went to 4 horse shows and won every class he entered. I rode him myself and he needed no lungeing. He did like to look around for 30 minutes as prep.

In the ring he never took a step wrong. Judges comments included ' Elegant pair - you can do this!, Nice horse will be fun to take up the levels!, Cute horse., Handsome pair - nicely ridden test. Pretty horse - interesting markings must be a lot of fun to ride!

The last 2 years he has been ridden about once a month as I have been in treatment for a chronic health issue. He has been good about putting up with the sporadic work, and hasn't done any wild moves. He is not prone to spook, buck or rear. He is the right amount of whimsical to be fun to ride. He would prefer a rider with good hands and good seat as he listens to cues.  He doesn't need to be ridden daily. Although more than monthly would be better for him!

He is currently a touch plump, and out of shape, but still agreeable to ride. Get in touch for many additional photos including photos taken in the last month, or copies of his dressage test scores or comments.

He loads well and ships great. He ties well. Excellent for vet and farrier. Great turned out with other horses, I have put him with everything from dominant geldings and mares to many different yearlings and he has never offered to hurt anyone. He is confident in the pecking order, but kind. He is agreeable and goes to work happy and interested in the work. He has advanced round pen training and natural horsemanship, he will round pen to voice commands and body language with no lines, and even collect canter at liberty by body cues. 

He would love to be someone's special horse and bond well and show you how intuitive he is. He is a real gentleman in the barn and is super polite. He is good with kids racing bikes in the aisle or putting chickens, bunnies or cats on his back.  He likes to be a part of the action.  Could make a great trail horse, eventer, dressage, hunter, western dressage ( have not put him in a western saddle, but I think he'd be game!) or judged trails. 

He is not spooky and will willingly walk over tarps. He has great feet, Never lame, (except 3 days from a minor cut) Never any colic, easy keeper, most agreeable horse in the barn, can be left in alone, or turned out last, never paws. Eats slowly and is kind and happy when you pour grain.

He is a real likable horse and could go far with someone willing to fine tune his training. We have done more work at trot than canter. He has a good canter, but it has had less schooling. Never offered to buck.

He has great markings, and a blue eye. He is striking with his wide white blaze, blue eye and black forelock.  Very athletic, nice moving, and light in the bridle and on his feet.  He is fun to be around and fun to ride.

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Location of Horse: Warrenton , Virginia