American Hanoverian Society Stallion Service Auction BUY NOW

Bidding Opens: February 22, 2019 - Bidding Closes: February 22, 2019

Hip 2: Toronto

2000 Bay Stallion (Now or Never M x Belisar / Solaris xx) Donated by Sheila Armstrong Avalon Equine

Elite Stallion. Sire of one licensed son, 5 state premium mares, 15 auction horses. Highest Jumping Score of his stallion test.

  • 2000
  • Bay
  • Stallion
  • 16.3 hh
  • Papers: Yes

Toronto is a Dutch stallion acquired by the Celle State Stud to further the jumping talent of the breeding program. 

This powerful bay stallion descends from the jumping horse producer and successful competitor Now or Never M who is stationed in Holland. Toronto's scope and athleticism can certainly be attributed to his sire. Now or Never M has many approved sons and is well on his way to establishing his own line in Hanoverian breeding and currently has a very high breeding value of 152 points for jumping on the German FN's ranking system, showing to consistently improve the canter.

Toronto's grandsire Voltaire, himself a highly successful international show jumper, is a consistent sire of top ranked jumpers with temperaments of gold. Voltaire is descended from the legendary Furioso II renowned in Germany for producing versatile offspring.

Toronto's damsire is Belisar, by Saros xx, a full brother to Swazi xx, the sire of the Trakehner stallion Consul. Saros xx comes from a strong line of successful steeplechasers, race winners, and sport horses. The infusion of Thoroughbred blood is essential in warmblood breeding and this particular line has had an excellent influence which can also be seen through the Trakehner stallion Consul. The Now or Never M nick with Belisar/Saros xx daughters has proven to be an undeniably successful cross, producing the approved stallions Valentino, Winston Uccello, Alchimist and Vallado, in addition to Toronto.  

At his performance test, Toronto won the jumping phase of the test with an outstanding overall 9.3 which could be expected because of his outstanding pedigree. He scored an impressive perfect 10 on cross country, 9s for natural jumping ability and jumping manner, 8.83 free jumping and 8.67 for jumping technique. He gained the following scores; character 8, temperament 8, willingness to perform 8, conformation 8, trot 6.33, canter 8 and walk 7.67 

Among his offspring produced to date, he has one licensed son, five State Premium mares, 15 auction horses. 

Toronto is also approved for RPSI, KWPN and German Oldenburg Verband.

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Location of Horse: Wynnewood, Oklahoma
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