Sport Horses and Ponies - June Internet Auction

Bidding Opens: June 10, 2020 - Bidding Closes: June 17, 2020

Hip 48: Soleil

2015 Chestnut Mare - Thoroughbred (Jimmy Creed x Altruistic Tales) 16 hh, Ohio

Shown in the TIP Jumpers. Schooled to 4 with a 12 year old rider.

  • 2015
  • Chestnut
  • Mare
  • 16 hh
  • Papers: No

Eventers, this is the young horse for you!

Soleil is a beautiful chestnut TB who had 3 starts but was too slow. She retired 100% sound and had some time to just be a horse and let down.

She is restarted and proving to be the bravest horse we've ever owned. She is really coming along in her flat work and starting basic dressage side as leg yield, haunches in, lengthening, etc. Started over fences and green but would jump the moon if you faced her at it.

Been to one show and did the TIP jumpers. Has jumped single jumps up to 4' with a 12 year old as seen on video.

She would also make a perfect cross with a nice pony hunter or welsh cob stallion.

TIP registered and can provide photos of papers but not provided to ensure she happily stays off the race track.

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Location of Horse: Delaware, Ohio