Sport Horses and Ponies - AUGUST Auction

Bidding Opens: July 29, 2020 - Bidding Closes: August 05, 2020

Hip 32: Yachin

2014 Chestnut Mare - KWPN (Alexandro P x Rennovate xx) 16.1 hh, South Carolina

Super talented with a great temperament. Started and slowly developed. Ready to move on in her training.

  • 2014
  • Chestnut
  • Mare
  • 16.1 hh
  • Papers: Yes
  • Registry: KWPN
  • Reg. Number: 840025201400329

Yachin, born 4/15/2014 she is a KWPN papered chestnut mare. Her mother is an off the track TB Renovate by Behrens who was by Pleasant Colony. She was a long distance runner.

Yachin's, Father the successful Gelder stallion Alexandero P, is the highest scoring Gelders stallion in the history of KWPN stallion testing. As a dressage horse, he received 9's for both his trot and canter and a 7 for his walk-plus an 8.5 for overall talent as a dressage horse. For jumping, he received 7.5 for lift-off, 7 for technique, and an 8 for scope, with an on overall 7.5 for talent as a jumper. These are high scores for any KWPN stallion, but especially high for a Gelders stallion. Currently there are numerous offspring around the globe reaching the Grand Prix level with some of them having great potential to get into Olympic teams around the globe.

Yachin was started when she was 4.5 and then very slowly developed over the next year and a half, in the last few months she started to show that she is getting strong and balanced enough to move on in her training.

A fabulous super talented horse with a great temperament, She is very smart and requires either an experienced amateur rider or professional to reach her full potential. She has been schooled in 4 different locations and has never shown any issues changing work environment. Yachin has one foal on the ground this is an ET baby by Ugenuis a stallion owned by Claire Hester, and in training with Carl Hester. Yachin was the number one mare in the USA picked by Claire Hester to see how Ugenius produces. Both me and Claire are very happy with the results.

I don't like to sell her but I have decided to continue with her full brother who is going to be 17h and will be a better fit for me personally currently, I have a broken hip and cannot train her myself for at least an other 4 months.

She is ready to continue in her training, has no vices, never bucked, easy to handle for the farrier, has good ground manners and is a lot of fun to ride.

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Location of Horse: Windsor, South Carolina
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