Americas Horse in Art Show & Sale

Bidding Opens: August 10, 2021 - Bidding Closes: August 14, 2021

Hip 112: Caprock Courage by Tammy Lynne Penn

26" x 11" x 8"

Edition 4 of 17


Tammy Lynne Penn has always felt a strong bond with animals and aimed to recreate that feeling in art. Drawing on a variety of life experiences and sculpting workshops, Tammy developed her own signature style. She utilizes different techniques and mediums to create sculpture representing humanity's interconnectedness with animals, while capturing both their likenesses and spirits.

Tammy enjoys exploring the strengths of each medium in which she sculpts – the freedom and spontaneity of raku fired clay, the strength and precision of bronze– and complementing their weaknesses with the strengths of the others.

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Location of Item: Amarillo, Texas