Americas Horse in Art Show & Sale

Bidding Opens: August 10, 2021 - Bidding Closes: August 14, 2021

Hip 121: Dream Catcher by Elizabeth Sage

Oil - 16" x 25"

After more than 20 years, Elizabeth Sage left the corporate office of Texas Instruments as Senior Designer in 2008 to return to what is truly a calling and an unmistakable passion to create powerful imagery and story on canvas.

Elizabeth says, “Having grown up on a working ranch in Northern California where ranching and showing horses were an integral part of my life, I began drawing ranch imagery since I was old enough to hold a pencil! Graphite is STILL my favorite medium.”

At 16, Elizabeth's first oil paintings were commissioned as QH High Point Award Ceremonies marking the end of each show year. Shortly thereafter, her works were accepted in Colorado Springs galleries as well as showcased and sold in new model homes.

She says, "I taught myself oil palette and techniques based on what my clients want in style and story'.

Elizabeth's art is considered to be highly detailed, accurate, and very moving. Both Arizona and Colorado give her endless inspiration for her western themed artistic style. Her works continue to be collected as well regularly selling out in juried shows.
Her artwork can be viewed at

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Location of Item: Amarillo, Texas