Americas Horse in Art Show & Sale

Bidding Opens: August 10, 2021 - Bidding Closes: August 14, 2021

Hip 162: Slow Movin Dreams by Shannon Lawlor

Acrylic - 15.5" x 12.5"

Preserving the West through her work and a passion for the equine define artist Shannon Lawlor.

Growing up on the edge of the Northern Great Plains, a region known for extensive cattle ranching and cowboying, Lawlor spent her days in the saddle, around the animals she would one day be renowned for depicting in her art.

If it was the pure enjoyment of drawing and painting horses that propelled her into becoming a full-time artist, it is her deep sense of attachment to the West and its people that gives her a sense of obligation to authentically preserve it. Her work can be found at

Shannon says, “Horses are a part of my breath, an extension of myself.”

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Location of Item: Amarillo, Texas