Fundraiser to Support AQHA's Political Action Committee

Bidding Opens: July 29, 2022 - Bidding Closes: August 02, 2022

Hip 1: Nilgai Day Hunt on the King Ranch from James Clement

Donated by James Clement

Nilgai Day Hunt - 1 hunter and 1 non-hunting guest.
Nilgai bull or cow.
Lunch included
Hunt good for one year - August 2022 through August 2023.
Call Leslie Cortez to schedule hunt. (361-221-0350

Processing and taxidermy not included.

King Ranch first acquired nilgai brood stock principally from the San Diego Zoological Garden in the late 1920s. Today, there are over 18,000 nilgai on King Ranch's Norias division, which is a popular pursuit for any hunter. Nilgai are challenging to hunt, given their impressive eyesight, hearing, and sense of smell. All of these elements make our nilgai hunts an incredible hunting experience. Depending on what the conditions dictate, nilgai hunts can be customized for still hunting, stalking, or safari style hunts.

Additionally, many health-conscious hunters view nilgai (and deer) as a lean, natural and healthy alternative to other proteins. Given the relatively large size of nilgai (up to 600 lbs. for a bull and 300 lbs. for a cow) and milder taste than some other game species, many hunters harvest one or more nilgai on their hunts for year-long use.

Founded in 1853, King Ranch comprises 825,000 in South Texas. Throughout its history, King Ranch has established itself as a leader in both ranching and wildlife management. King Ranch's primary focus is on the stewardship of the ecosystem and land. This focus, coupled with innovative vision and management techniques, makes the land simultaneously productive for wildlife, livestock, other fauna and the native range.

As a result of these efforts, King Ranch is the premier hunting destination for many game species in the United States. King Ranch conducts all of its hunts in a low-fence, fair-chase environment that offers great opportunities for both experienced and novice hunters. In addition to ensuring that you have an unforgettable hunt, our professional guides are deeply knowledgeable about the history of the Ranch and its legacy. In addition to seeing many game species, hunters are likely to see a plethora of birds and over 35 threatened and endangered species on King Ranch. King Ranch's magnificent wildlife and incredible beauty can only be experienced in person.

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Location of Item: Norias, Texas